Year 4 Amber Class Highlights

We have had a fantastic week of learning. Here’s some photos showing what we got up to.
In English this week, we explored open and closed questions and the differences between them. We then had a hot seating lesson where the children pretended to be our character Issac and answered the questions in the role of him.
In art, we have been exploring tints and shades. We then created shades of a colour by adding black and tints of a colour by adding white.
In PE, we continued our basketball learning. We introduced a new dribbling skill called protective dribbling and the children had a go at practicing this skill.    
In science, we explored gases. Our starter question was “How much does air weigh?” We introduced the vocabulary of mass and recapped on our density learning from last week. We measured the mass of an uninflated balloon and then the mass when air had been blown into the balloon to see the difference.

Science in Year 4 Amber & Jade Class

Today in Amber class, we were looking at the density of different liquids. Last lesson, we explored solids, liquids and gases and their particle diagrams. This helped us with our learning today as we were able to apply what we know about liquids to help us make predictions.
First we filled half the cup with water and a couple drops of food colouring. Next, we filled the other half with oil.
After that, we dropped in a vitamin tablet and watched our lava lamp come to life.  
Overall, we learned that water and oil do not mix because they have different densities. We had lots of fun completing our experiment and we can’t wait to explore solids and gases in more detail next.