War Memorial Walk

Y6 Class Blog

Last week we had our first trip out of school to deepen our learning and understanding of how our local area was affected by both World War I and World War II. It was a lovely sunny morning for our walk down to City Road Cemetery to look at the three war memorials that are located there. It was lovely to see all the children being very respectful of where we were and why we were there.

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It’s Competition Time!

Y6 Class Blog

Rugby League World Cup 2021 – FREE adult and child tickets to be won!

England Men vs Greece Men at Bramall Lane on Saturday 29th October at 2.30pm

The Rugby League World Cup (RLWC) 2021tournament’s values are: BOLD and BRAVE, WORLD CLASS, AUTHENTIC and INCLUSIVE. These values fit with UN CRC articles 2, 4 & 29.

We would like you to choose from the following ideas and enter the competition for your chance to win a pair of free tickets.

You could:

  • Design a poster promoting the RLWC 2021 based on the tournament’s values: bold and brave, world class, authentic and inclusive (Article 2, 4 and 29)
  • Design your own shirt
  • Make a crest
  • Design or make a mascot
  • Design or make a trophy
  • Design or make a flag

Please hand your competition entries into your class teacher with your full name on the back by Monday 17th October

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Children’s University – Activities to do at home

Prince Edward Primary School works in partnership with Sheffield Children’s University. Each half term, I will be sharing activities that children can complete at home. Some activities can be completed as a family. If your child completes an activity please inform their class teacher via Tapestry or class email so that the teacher can register CU credits. Each activity = 1 CU Credit. If your child collects 30 CU credits, they will receive a bronze CU certificate and a badge.

Sheffield Children’s University is part of a national initiative that encourages and celebrates
participation in a wide range of learning opportunities outside of normal school hours.
Children and young people are awarded with one CU credit per hour of engagement and are
presented with award certificates at intervals of 30 (Bronze), 65 (Silver) and 100 (Gold),
continuing to 1000 credits. Special award ceremonies are held in prestigious venues across
the city to celebrate achievement and encourage participation. Children receive a detailed
learning profile evidencing their activities and hours of engagement with every award.

Autumn 1’s activity –

For more information about Sheffield’s Children’s University please see below.

Children’s University for parents & children

Children’s University online

Welcome back

Welcome back to all our pupils and families. 

I sincerely hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer holiday. Time always flies, but I know the staff here at school can soon make you all feel very welcome and settled. We know how it can feel to start a new year so the team have been busy in the holidays planning and preparing some exciting activities for all our pupils. 

I look forward to visiting all our classrooms to see you all enjoying the learning that is planned and finding out what you all got up to over the holidays. For me our school is at its best when it is filled with the wonderful children we have in our school. 

Mr Sieczkarek