Jubilee Day

What a special day. The whole school had a great time.

Amber Class Blog

Today we are having a special day at school to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. On the 4th June, the Queen will have reigned for 70 years. This make her the longest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom. This record was previously held by Queen Victoria who reigned for almost 64 years!

We’ve kicked off our celebrations by coming to school in red, white and blue clothing. Check us out!

We’ve been given a new book all about Queen Elizabeth II to enjoy as well.

We thought about the qualities of a Queen and which ones would make a good Queen. We wrote a recipe to say what we would need to make a good Queen.

We’ve been treated to scones, jam and squirty cream as a special Jubilee treat.

Next up was an afternoon on the MUGA pitch, playing games, being with our friends and having loads of…

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Amber Class Blog

As we continue to learn about Global Citizenship and Environmental Fortnight… we have looked at why bees are so important to humans. This links in with the Global Goal 15 – Life on Land.

Why are bees under threat?

Habitat – with new houses being built and natural landscapes being destroyed, bees have fewer places to live. Natural landscapes aren’t being replaced.

Chemicals – some people think that chemicals used a fertilisers to help crop to grow can be harmful to insects like bees.

Viruses – some bees can be infected with diseases found in honey bees kept by beekeepers. Viruses spreading throughout hives can be dangerous.

Climate – changes in the climate can affect bees, as warmer weather has an influence on where they are able to live.

We then thought about some ways in which we can help the bee population. These are our suggestions:

  • Not using harmful…

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Our Empathy Tree

Amber Class Blog

We have continued to learn about empathy today in Amber Class. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

We reflect on the story we listened to yesterday of Koi and the Kola Nuts and looked at the different ways in which the characters showed empathy to each other.

We then thought about how we could show empathy to each other and look at a range of different situations.

  • How would you greet someone who is feeling sad?
  • Why is it important to be kind?
  • What would you say to someone who has hurt themselves?
  • How would you speak to someone who is feeling lonely?

We created some empathic messages that we could use in and around school to our friends and teachers and then hung them on our empathy tree.

This will act as a reminder if we ever need a helping hand.

This activity…

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Playing with Empathy

Amber Class Blog

As part of our Global Citizenship and Environment Fortnight, we have listened to a story called Koi and the Kola Nuts. It is a Liberian traditional tale.

When Koi inherits a kola nut tree, he is less than impressed so he goes on his travels. He meets a variety of different animals on his travels and each of the animals in turn need his help. Koi learns that helping others has its rewards and he learns this throughout the story.

From this story, we learnt about empathy. Empathy is having the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

We used an apple to demonstrate how unkind words can hurt a person and on the outside, these words don’t affect the appearance of a person but can really damage and hurt on the inside.

Finally we thought about how we could show empathy to a new child in our…

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Global Citizenship & Environmental Fortnight

Y5 Emerald Class Blog

We used a text called, ‘Koi and the Kola Nuts’ to base our work this week. Our theme was focused around empathy and we were identifying connections between personal decisions and issues affecting people locally and globally.

We depicted scenarios using improvisations and dialogue to better our understanding of empathy in different situations.

Next week, we will look at the global goals in more detail and have a go at activities based around connecting goals!

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