Wonderful news!

Last year, on the 10th June, Prince Edward pupils’ took part in the NSPCC’s Big Breaktime to raise money for the NSPCC Charity while having fun in an extended breaktime. We received a certificate and we are proud to share with everyone that we raised a whooping £415.95! Well done Team Prince and thank you to everyone who donated.

Children’s University – Activities to do at home

Summer 1’s activities. Don’t forget, if your child completes an activity please inform their class teacher via Tapestry (FS and KS1) or class email/Google Classroom (KS2) so that the teacher can register CU credits. 

Children’s University Gold Winner

In March, the Sheffield Children’s University Gold Winners went to a ceremony at Sheffield Hallam University.

A huge congratulations to our gold winner!

Which award will you receive?

Did you know?
There are over 46,000 children and young people in Sheffield with CU credits! They have taken part in nearly 4 million hours of learning in their own time… & counting! Sheffield CU is part of South Yorkshire CU, a brand new partnership that will bring lots more opportunities to our region.

CU – How does it make a difference?

There are lots of great reasons to be part of CU, and lots of evidence to show it makes a real
difference too! Here are just some of them:

  • Local and national research shows the positive impact taking part in CU and extra curricular activities has on achievement at school, behaviour, aspirations, attendance and progress. A national trial recently showed that children taking part made 2 months additional progress in maths and reading at primary level, with those on free school meals making 3 months progress.
  • We build a learning profile for every child who takes part, which provides detailed evidence of their commitment to learning in their own time. When you receive your certificate, turn it over! You will find this profile there, and can use this when you start to think about your future learning journey and future job applications too!
  • Our focus on activities beyond the classroom is a great fit for Ofsted’s guidance on character education and personal development, supporting schools to give children and young people the best start so they can take their place in the world.
  • Over 80% of parents/carers said being part of CU in Sheffield has increased their child’s confidence and self esteem as well as their physical and mental well-being
  • Through our work with the SkillsBuilder partnership, we are able to support children and young people to value, reflect and build on the essential life skills they need to succeed. You can find a breakdown of all the skills you’ve developed in your CU activities on the learning profile that comes with your certificate!